Rabbi Yosef Y. Grossman
Rosh Yeshiva
The Yeshiva
Yeshivas Nesiv Hatorah, Yerushalayim is currently located in the heart of Yerushalayim, near the Meah Shearim & Geulah neighborhoods.
The yeshivah is geared towards the growth oriented yeshiva boy, who desires to realize his potential and to continue developing his learning skills, Torah knowledge, hashkafa, & middos, thus preparing himself for a bright, successful and happy future as a ben Torah.
Yeshivas Nesiv Hatorah is unique in the fact that it provides a warm, structured, positive atmosphere and everything a bachur may need or want in order to be settled, content, happy and in a healthy environment, so that he can continue growing and achieve his goals.
The yeshiva serves as a fortress and bastion of Torah and true Torah values, - serving as a 'משכן', a holy structure in which a bachur can shteig and grow without distractions, as well as a 'תיבה', a safe zone, ensuring that our talmidim enjoy and experience the uniqueness and kedusha of Yerushalayim; becoming 'wiser' with the air of Eretz Yisrael, without being susceptible to the נסיונות of the street.
The Campus
The yeshiva is housed in a spacious nicely furnished 2 story building.
The בית מדרש is beautiful, roomy, bright, and a pleasure to learn in. The dormitory is clean, neat and very comfortable. There's a dining room and fully-equipped kitchen that service the talmidim at all times.
Our Rabbeim
The Rabbeim are warm, vibrant, and accomplished talmidiei chahchomim who are dedicated and always available for the bachurim, offering assistance, guidance, direction and a listening ear whenever needed.
The classes are small with a high rebbe/talmid ratio, thus ensuring that each student receives maximum individual attention during shiur and seder.
The shiurim are delivered on different academic levels. Some focus primarily on the reading of the gemara, while others focus more on mastering the 'give-and-take'. Yet others focus on discovering and understanding the depth of the gemara.
This is done so that each bochur can get the most out of the shiurim based on his own level, in order to raise his capabilities, sharpen his skills, deepen his understanding and broaden his horizons taking him to higher levels and giving him a greater appreciation for his learning. There are also many shiurim given on chumash, halacha, hashkafa and other topics.
Alongside the learning schedule, the yeshiva provides access to sports facilities and takes the bochurim on trips, so that the talmidim can experience the beauty and holiness of Eretz Yisroel and have relaxing, enjoyable outlets.
The Rosh Yeshiva
The Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Yosef Yaakov Grossman is a close Talmid of the Philadelphia Roshei Yeshiva, Maran Harav Elya Svei זצ"ל, and יבלחט"א Maran Harav Shmuel Kaminetzky שליט"א. Prior to learning in Philadelphia, Rabbi Grossman learned in Yeshivas Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin. He then learned in Yeshivas Mir ירושלים under Hagaon Harav Refael Shmuelevitz זצ"ל and had a close relationship with Hagaon Harav Nosson Tzvi Finkel זצ"ל.
Rabbi Grossman has since then served as a dedicated, devoted and successful Rebbe to hundreds of talmidim over the course of 22 years and has amassed wealth of experience, nurturing and guiding boys to discover and cultivate their own individual qualities. His talmidim remain close even after they have gone on to build their own homes, and he is available for them when they seek his guidance.
Maran Harav Shmuel Kaminetzky שליט"א encouraged the opening of the ישיבה, and very strongly endorses it. Hagaon Harav Aharon Chodosh זצ"ל Mashgiach of Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim - who served as the Yeshiva's Rabbinical adviser along with the Philadelphia ראש ישיבה - asked to be quoted as saying that "he encourages בחורים to join the Yeshiva as he personally knows the הנהלה & the unique qualities of the ישיבה..."
Harav Gamliel Rabinovitch שליט"א, also pushed for the opening of the ישיבה and is a big supporter of it.
The Yeshiva looks forward to the continued הצלחה that is has seen until now, as being THE choice for the budding Ben Torah.
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